Getting Started Annotations Placeholders API URL Request Response Service Spec


As default, API responses always an HTTP status code 200, and the response JSON format compatible with the GraphQL spec.

If you design a REST API and/or want to change the response defaults, you can configure the API response by setting the @response object in the JSON root object.

Data source

  "@response": {
    "alwaysOk": true,
    "bodyOnSuccess": {"data": "%data%"},
    "bodyOnError": {"errors": [{"message": "%message%"}]}
If this option is true, API responses always an HTTP status code 200, and if false, will return an error code in case of an error such as 404.
Set the response JSON format for a success cases. And need a %data% placeholder to replace the result (or result set). This option is enable on a REST API.
Set the response JSON format for an error cases. A %message% placeholder is replace with an error message like "Resource not found". This option is enable on a REST API.

If you want the raw result (or result set) in the response body, just set the placeholder to body.

Data source

  "@response": {
    "bodyOnSuccess": "%data%",
    "bodyOnError": "%message%"