- %index[:string]%
Replace with the index number of the array element.
%index% data type is a number and %index:string% is a string.
- %random[:string]%
Replace with random float number between 0 to 1.
%random% data type is a number and %random:string% is a string.
- %randomint[:string]%
Replace with random number between 0 to 100.
%randomint% data type is a number and %randomint:string% is a string.
- %randomtext%
Replace with random text based on Lorem ipsum.
- %text%
Replace with Lorem ipsum text. It's a little long text.
Data source
"index": "%index%",
"indexString": "%index:string%",
"random": "%random%",
"randomString": "%random:string%",
"randomint": "%randomint%",
"randomintString": "%randomint:string%",
"randomtext": "%randomtext%",
"text": "%text%"
"index": 0,
"indexString": "0",
"random": 0.5220570503164,
"randomString": "0.45994497905241",
"randomint": 16,
"randomintString": "68",
"randomtext": "commodo leo netus sem praesent",
"text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..."